Roots of a Legend:
Jackie Robinson's Early Days

Jackie Robinson’s early life was marked by resilience and determination, laying the foundation for his future success.

Jackie Robinson's early life was marked by resilience and determination.

Jackie Robinson’s early life was marked by resilience and determination, laying the foundation for his future success. Born in Cairo, Georgia, in 1919, Robinson moved with his family to Pasadena, California, where he thrived despite facing racial and economic challenges. Growing up with four siblings—Edgar, Frank, Matthew (“Mack”), and Willa Mae—Jackie drew inspiration and strength from his close-knit family. His exceptional athletic talent became evident early on, as he excelled in multiple sports, showcasing the tenacity and spirit that would eventually lead him to break Major League Baseball’s color barrier.

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Family Life

College Sweethearts, Jackie & Rachel were parents to three children.

In addition to his 10-year baseball career, Robinson had a close relationship with his wife, Rachel, and the pair had three children, Jackie Jr., Sharon and David. Often on the road, Robinson sometimes he felt a disconnect with his family: “My problem was my inability to spend much time at home. I thought my family was secure, so I went running around everyplace else. I guess I had more of an effect on other people’s kids than I did my own.” Regardless, there was an immense amount of love and respect within the family unit.

4 jackie robinson 1919 1972 his wife rachel and their son jackie jr as they pose beside their car brooklyn new york new york july 1949 photo by nina leentime life picturesgetty images Jackie Robinson (1919 - 1972), his wife Rachel, and their son, Jackie Jr, as they pose beside their car, Brooklyn, New York, New York, July 1949. Photo: Nina Leen/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images